The Broadway Musical
Wicked Australia website
Design and build
For ACMN / The Gordon Frost Organsation
Brief: A total overhaul of the original Melbourne Wicked site. To be go live at the time of the Sydney launch. This site had to be able to house multiple cities at the one time for the Sydney Melbourne change over as well as the national tour.
An interactive video player was needed on the home page which could house multiple videos, a pop up music player as well as an insite music player, a news ticker on the home page and a multitude of flying monkies were all a major part of the new look Wicked site.
The Wicked experience also included and was responsible for the design and build of the Wicked Education website, Wicked web banners, EDM's and the Wicked mounthly newsletter The Oztralian.
Created: Hand coded using XHTML/CSS, Javascript, Flash and jQuery.